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AS Economics: Oct 2024 Exam Tips

Writer's picture: CarisCaris

Data response:

  1. Your ideal time for answering should be around 35 minutes.

  2. Directly read the six-point questions, remember the keywords, and then start reading the extract.

  3. Even if you can't find the corresponding policy tool's function or content in the material, it's okay - because they might truly not be there. Just boldly write based on what you know. As long as it doesn't completely deviate from the material, it's okay according to the official candidate responses. You don't have to stick to the points within the material. As long as you answer the question without going off-topic and make sense, you'll get points.

  4. If there is a "Trend analysis" question, remember to clearly state the increase or decrease from xx to xx when citing the material. Both numbers and trends must be included; don't just write "from x to x,". "Deficit" or "surplus" must be mentioned.

  5. Don't worry too much about the two six-point questions. The examiners aren't that strict in grading. The key thing is to answer the question correctly, ensure you have 1-2 sentences of explanation for each point, and you'll be fine. The default scoring is 2-2-2, so answer the questions accordingly. For the Evaluation part, one point is usually enough.


  1. Prioritize topics you're familiar with - "Familiar" means being familiar with the framework, MS scoring criteria, and every sentence.

  2. If the question asks you to draw a diagram, there must be points for drawing it, possibly more than one, but only a very few questions require drawing, especially the one about PED's effect on Revenue. Don't waste your time drawing; a couple of sentences are enough.

  3. If you draw a graph, make sure to explain it; it's better not to draw it at all than to draw it without explanation.

  4. If the question asks for examples, there must be points for providing examples.

  5. For Evaluation in 8m essay, it's just three to five lines, and select the best points to answer. Find the right entry point, and you may earn points with just one sentence. Don't write half a page!

  6. For twelve-point questions, the most important thing is to have a complete framework, correct knowledge points, and logical links. If your knowledge points are correct, logical links are well-established, and the framework is complete, you'll get at least 8 marks for AO1 and AO2. Make sure your AO2 is complete, if it's incomplete, you won't be able to develop AO3 evaluations!

  7. For AO2 analysis, a one-sided response can only gain a maximum of Level 2 (max 5 out of 8 marks) and one-sided response cannot gain any marks for evaluation (4 marks)

  8. Do understand that, questions (b) is not a point-based marking. This means that the marking should not be solely based on " 1 point =1 mark". Examiner will look at the whole explanation and presentation of the answer given by the students to give a mark.

  9. Regarding Elasticity, emphasize quantity demanded/supplied and mention percentage change/relatively larger proportion. Simply stating more or less is incorrect; failing to mention percentage/proportion directly results in no points.

  10. Policies should be clearly identified as expansionary or contractionary.

  11. Words like "always, only, the best, most effective, more, better" are all comparative questions! Mention both the benefits and drawbacks/limitations, and compare with another policy. After that evaluate using "depends on".

  12. Evaluation must be double-sided; both sides need to be clearly explained. Simply writing an Evaluative comment, for example, "depends on," without explanation is absolutely not acceptable!

Use the remaining time to review the following topics.

AS Predicted Micro Essays Oct 2024

  1. Elasticities 

  2. PPC

  3. Functions of price mechanism

  4. Economic system

  5. Classifications of goods and services

  6. Government intervention in market

  7. Demand and supply

  8. Consumer /producer surplus

AS Predicted Macro Essays Oct 2024

  1. Factors causing economic growth

  2. Causes and effects of appreciation/depreciation of currency

  3. Protectionism policies

  4. Causes of unemployment and  policies to reduce unemployment

  5. Factors of favourable/unfavourable TOT

  6. Policies to solve deflation

  7. Causes and Consequences of CAD/CAS

  8. Taxes/Government budget

Finally, I hope everyone achieves good results, and I'll see you in A2! May the A* be with you!


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